Frequent questions
¿How much is the entry cost?
Entry fee: National $35.000 pesos per person, foreigners $50.000 Cop per person (10 USD) 2025
¿What are the methods of payment?
In the OBSERVATORIO DE COLIBRÍES we only receive cash and BANCOLOMBIA QR for entry fee.
You can visit OBSERVATORIO DE COLIBRÍES in the following schedule: OPEN Tuesday
through Saturday from 09.00h to 16.00h. CLOSED Sundays, Mondays and holidays.
REMEMBER You must booked previously so we can make the reservation. Only those with reservation will be allowed in.
¿Where are we located?
The OBSERVATORIO DE COLIBRÍES located in the door to South America, only 11.1 miles from Bogotá, the Capitol city of Colombia, in the vereda Frailejonal within the Calera Municipality in a completely rural zone with a low population density where you will still find typical campesino farmlands and houses.
¿How do I get there?
From Bogotá, on 83rd street and 7th avenue you take the road via La Calera for 6.8 miles (11kilometers) on the paved road. After crossing the Teusacá river, take a right at the Salitre School (Escuela Salitre). See map. Once you make a reservation to visit the hummingbird Observatory we will send you a detailed map. If you are coming from Sopo, you take the inter-municipal via La Calera. You drive by the town and stay on the via to Bogotá and after going by the San Rafael water reservoir 1 kilometer at the speed bump you take a left to escuela el Salitre. (see map)
¿What should I take?
A waterproof Poncho, Parka or Raincoat, Umbrella, Rubber boots or Comfortable walking shoes, Jacket, scarf or shall, Hat and gloves, Camera and photo equipment.
¿What is our temperature and altitude?
Colombia is situated on the equatorial line in the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) with marked geographic variations and diverse weather patterns. The finds OBSERVATORIO DE COLIBRÍES situated in a very privileged area imbued with the revitalizing mountainous energy at 9,850 ft. above sea level, denominated the High Andean Forest or cold weather zone. This characteristic allows the weather to go from sunny to rainy many times a day. In this high precipitation zone you are immersed and surrounded by always-lush scenery in a hundred hues of green where the fog sometimes will surprisingly slide down the mountain. Sometimes during the year there are strong winds where the temperature fluctuates between 45 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 35 to 40 F at night.
¿How’s the transportation?
If you are in your car, the OBSERVATORIO DE COLIBRÍES has some uncovered parking area.-If you, please ask for map and directions when booking your visit. If need transportation we can suggest secure service provided by recommended providers.
¿Is there food and beverage service?
Bringing food or picnic is not allowed, we do not have cafeteria nor restaurant, we suggest you stop at a nearby restaurant in the main road, before or after your visit, you might checked: La Contadina, El Tambor, Autentico, Humo y sabor, among others.
¿Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco?
In the OBSERVATORIO DE COLIBRÍES our most important elixir is living with Nature. Therefore alcoholic beverages, smoking or illegal drugs and substances do not resonate with the energy of our space and we request that you abstain from bringing them here.
¿Are there mosquitos and insects?
There are no mosquitos. We have a variety of beetles and butterflies that do not represent any danger. In the gardens and the forests you might find centipedes and worms that should not create concern. Also in the gardens you might find frogs and lizards. And sometimes during the year there are pollinating bees.