The Observatorio de Colibríes
is located in Colombia, South America’s door on the Oriental Andean Mountain Range. Only 11.1 miles from the capital city of Bogotá, in the vereda Frailejonal within the municipality of La Calera.
Altitude and climate

Colombia is situated on the equatorial line in the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) with marked geographic variations and diverse weather patterns. This makes it one of the most bio-diverse places on the planet and the country with more hummingbirds in the world counting with 165, out of the 320, known Hummingbird species.
The OBSERVATORIO DE COLIBRÍES is located in a privileged area, 3.000 meters (9,800 ft.) above sea level, in what is known as cold weather or High Andean Forest.
On your visit to the OBSERVATORIO DE COLIBRÍES we invite you to be surprised by its’ revitalizing mountainous energy, just a few minutes away from Bogotá.
This is a high precipitation zone especially in the rainy months, which is why, in the OBSERVATORIO DE COLIBRÍES; you will be immersed and surrounded by always-lush scenery in a hundred hues of green. The weather can vary magically from sunny to rainy many times a day. And it’s not strange to see the fog surprisingly come down the mountain covering the area with its gauzy organza like shroud.
Sometimes during the year there are strong winds where the temperature fluctuates between 45 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 35 to 40 F at night.
When the temperature is low and the rain is high, the Hummingbirds visit the feeders more often. They need more energy so they feed more.